Sunday, February 12, 2012

Are American movies getting worse? Or am I just jaded?

I feel the quality of movies at blockbuster or in the theaters is at an all time low.Are American movies getting worse? Or am I just jaded?Movies are HORRIBLE! It seems like they are just running out of ideas %26amp; plots. What's worse is they make us pay $10 for a movie that is not even worth renting sometimes. I haven't seen a real good movie in a long time.Are American movies getting worse? Or am I just jaded?American movies aren't getting worse, it's just that the ones getting all the attention are the ones appealing to the lowest common denominator. You really have to work to find the good ones, which wasn't true thirty years ago.

There have always been lousy movies, it's just that the bad ones are now much bigger-budget and are much worse PR hogs than they ever have been.Are American movies getting worse? Or am I just jaded?You're probably seeing the wrong movies. If you're looking at movies like "The Game Plan" and "Good Luck Chuck" and "Mr. Woodcock," then it probably does seem that way.

But have you seen "In the Valley of Elah" or "Eastern Promises" or "3:10 to Yuma"?

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