Monday, January 23, 2012

Why most of American movies have the same end?

Which is about the american nation, the american dream, the american history, the american flag and National Unity...

(I'm not trying to be sarcastic)Why most of American movies have the same end?I believe its because we as Americans are stressed out. Life is bad enough for real. We come home from working 12 hour days at a place that we really don't want to be at. I think we just look for something to believe in.Why most of American movies have the same end?
it juz shows the love for america and americans would absolutely buy that.Why most of American movies have the same end?What end? Happy?

You need to see more movies... I can give you a bunch with very diff endings.

Also, a lot of "American" movies are mutinational, some are based on books written by Brits, and many on non us history; i.e. their endings are not determined by American writers.
Oh I dont know...perhaps because viewing public likes it?!

America is the major movie distributor to the world.

Most countries movies refelct something about the people, places or things in that country, not matter what country the movie is from.Why most of American movies have the same end?No one in the film making industry likes to take chances any more.It wasn't always that way, there were some great films made in the 70's:Godfather,MASH,Taxi Driver,Dog Day Afternoon,The French Connection etc.

Have you ever seen "Team America"? And makes fun of this new american genre.Why most of American movies have the same end?
and always that same old same old fight of good against evil, right against wrong, gets kind of boring doesn't it
I would suggest to switch to something else you like. That's what I do most of the time. I never watch something I don't like.Why most of American movies have the same end?
Unless the American dream is sex or violence you have lost me. That is what most american movies are about.

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