Monday, January 30, 2012

Why are teenagers in American movies and tv shows dressed so colorfully?

Rainbow crowds of schoolkids, highschool teens and college students... Does it reflect reality?Why are teenagers in American movies and tv shows dressed so colorfully?Hi,

Teenage years are times when you're caught between identities and would like to show that you are unique. The easiest way is by dressing flashy or colorful or as fashionably as you can.

American schools do not follow a dress code. Thus teens are free to wear what they like.

American TV shows depict just that. With a fashion designer and stylist and a cameraman who decides which colors would look best on screen, who study what teens wear and dress it up for TV. So it's pretty much real, or influenced by reality.

This is nothing though. You should see Japanese school girls, who start trends around the world with their cooky sense of fashion, and love for colorful gadgets. America will seem really tame after that.Why are teenagers in American movies and tv shows dressed so colorfully?
This does not reflect reality for jr. high age kids. I've been around them working at the local jr. high school for the last 3 weeks and the majority of them wear black shirts to school. Elementary age kids dress more colorfully and so do high school age kids.Why are teenagers in American movies and tv shows dressed so colorfully?They dress like that to keep the attention of a TV audience that has trouble focusing their minds for anything over a few minutes. The theory at first was that it was like waving a red flag in front of a bull to get his attention. Nowadays the clothes are promotional items that clothing manufacturers pay to have appearing on the show. The sad thing us that it works and many students think that is what they are supposed to be buying and wearing.
colorblindnessWhy are teenagers in American movies and tv shows dressed so colorfully?Yes of course. I love color.. it defines my mood.Why are teenagers in American movies and tv shows dressed so colorfully?
yeh i ges
It's the new style. Well kinda. You know how they say history repeats itself. Well the kids are into the 80's fashion right now. Its' the new thing. I live in Washington D.C., and the teenage girls are wearing crazy bright hair color extensions in their hair.

PeaceWhy are teenagers in American movies and tv shows dressed so colorfully?
uh, yeah. nobody wants to dress in plain colored clothing!

I personally wear bright colors. It reflects my personality.
Because in todays society, people don't want to see the tru FASHION STATEMENTS most non-cordial teens and young adults openly display as their individual personal character. They want to show what " JOE PUBLIC " desires to see and not what really is there.
what do u mean colorfully?
color reflects (no pun intended) creativity and vitality.

this is consistent with the fact that from a Darwinian perspective, biologically, teens are preparing to mate; display of pretty colors and patterns is a natural way of expressing both fitness and readiness to mate.
Yeah, because there aren't any shows about Amish teenagers.
The coloring, yes. The style? No. Most schools have dress codes which prohibit little-bitty short shorts and skirts, crop-tops, sleeveless shirts, and low-cut necklines.
Perhaps you only watch shows/movies made in the early ninties when everyone wore neon colors.
No. TV is a makes a mockery of reality.
does it really matter that people want to wear some color?

do you want everyone to wear black and white??

Black clothing is Gothic, white clothing is boring, color brings life to things.
I don't see anything unusual about the kids on TV. They look just like the kids at the beach, the mall, and everywhere else I go. The exception is that a lot of schools have uniforms, so in school they all look alike. But outside, yes, they are very colorful. Where are you from?
because they love rainbows.
cool question that is may be bulding new fashion in American.
are you against colors?
Does not reflect reality, but it looks good.
It's summer. Well, it WAS summer. I don't think it reflects anything but the weather. : )

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