Monday, January 30, 2012

Why are unpatriotic, anti-american, communist propaganda films such as Avatar allowed to be shown in public?

Anti american movies should be outlawed.

We are the defenders of the free world, bring people the superior American way and make a decent profit at the same time for our leaders.

Films that show the military or our way of life in a negative light should be outlawed.Why are unpatriotic, anti-american, communist propaganda films such as Avatar allowed to be shown in public?Great question!! ONLY in Hollywood could someone become an android, make love to a psychic princess, %26amp; both destroy %26amp; save a civilization. Hollywood was try to remake (their take) on the American Indians... Obama %26amp; his fellow ideologues want to give them the wealth after all. Indian Giver is a saying for good reason. Plus, they made the Colonel seem evil. That was their representation of Corporate America %26amp; its imperialistic ambitions (even though we are helping in Haiti but they say we are occupying).

The guy has freedom of speech. But, people should be aware of the subtle ideology that is being spread to the masses!!

Welcome to the World of Hollywood, they can make it anyway that they want!!Why are unpatriotic, anti-american, communist propaganda films such as Avatar allowed to be shown in public?
You're talking about how Avatar is like communism, and therefore the government should ban it. Is that not ironic to you? Does that not sound like socialism to you? It's a movie, there's no dirty little secret, god, Americans are so delusional. It's meant for ONE thing, entertainment.

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Why are unpatriotic, anti-american, communist propaganda films such as Avatar allowed to be shown in public?Excuse them if they're not screaming "God bless the USA", as you would want them to.

Not everyone worships this country, sorry to burst that bubble of yours.

Reality is harsh, isn't it?

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Avatar is everything you say it is... but it is still a great movie. Despite the obvious fact that the movie has a VERY liberal propaganda-oriented agenda, the special effects are both breathtaking and groundbreaking and should be recognized for that reason. As a staunch conservative, I still recommend the movie for the purely artistic effects... despite the subliminal misguided message they try to transmit. Conservatives are wise enough to recognize the agenda for what it is.Why are unpatriotic, anti-american, communist propaganda films such as Avatar allowed to be shown in public?Aye, if we act like Red China and start to censor films, then that would actually be WORSE than everything you claim to stand for. I haven't seen Avatar; but I read about it and I'm not happy about the message. But I favor free speech at all times. That's a freedom we cherish.

AND free speech of even a message against them actually honors all that the military has sacrificed for. Because our brave men and women fought and sacrificed for that right, in this country and in others.Why are unpatriotic, anti-american, communist propaganda films such as Avatar allowed to be shown in public?
Actually I saw the movie less that 2 hours ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I did however notice the liberal undertones to the show. When it was over I was talking to my wife about it. She is a big Star Wars fan from way back. I compared this movie to the Star Wars saga. There are a lot of similarities here. I think both of them are great movies. But I also believe that they will have far less impact then you are giving them credit for.

By the way, I am a very strong conservative. If you do not believe me, then read my posts from the past. Unlike a lot of the trolls here, I am not ashamed of what I post and I do not keep them private!
Why are they allowed to be shown you ask? The answer is very simple, this is still America or at least last time I checked it was. We may not like it but that's what makes our country great, everyone is able to say what ever comes to his or her mind, with the exception to yelling fire in a crowded movie.Why are unpatriotic, anti-american, communist propaganda films such as Avatar allowed to be shown in public?
Its a constitutional right to make crappy films like that and to talk bad about the military and government and whatever. This isn't Fascist Amerika or Communist America. They are free to say what they want to and you are free to say what you want to in disagreement with them.
I can Poe's Law. This is too stupid even for teabaggers.

"Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humour, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."
The Obama Administration did not produce the film, nor any other one worldwide.

In fact it was produced under a crapitalist market of ideas economic paradigm. Do you SEE dead people TOO?

Your fanatical "yelling fire in a crowded theater" FAIL.
Because to outlaw films we disagree with would be unpatriotic, anti-american, communist-like violations of our First Amendment.
The film seemed fine to me. It was a bit campy, with laughably cartoonish villains. But, I really didn't sense any anti-Americanism. Overall, it was mildly enteraining.
The same reason you're allowed to proclaim that it shouldn't be shown in public.
A real American would read the Constitution and realize that anti Americanism in America is allowed.
Because its a democractic country and even idoits like you are allowed to express them selves
Trolls aren't funny when they're obvious...
yes avatar was like watching the usa vs muslim war your correct
It's called Freedom of Speech and it's in the American Constitution. Maybe you should read it?
Great more community standards
Freedom of expression, Neocon.
Its called freedom of speech something i %26amp; lenin didn't allow in soviet russia
What you just described is known as neoconservatism and it will be the bane of the US.
Now you don't like the freedom of speech, huh?
Er, freedom of speech?????? Are you a troll or are you just hopelessly stupid?

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