Monday, January 23, 2012

Where can i buy American DVD Movies dubed in the Italian Language ?

Actually, there's no limitation for buying dvd from another Country; there is a "regional coding", but tha main reason for that is to avoid a movie can reach a foreign Country before it does on theater.

Actually, dvd palyer with no regional coding are legally sold even byt top producers (the first one I ever saw was by Sony...); so, there is a regional coding, but is legal to buy a dvd with a different regional code that the one in use for the "zone" your Country belong to.

So, keeping this issue in mind, you can order a dvd from an Italian seller which ships worldwide.Where can i buy American DVD Movies dubed in the Italian Language ?Due to international copyright law, the only way you can see or buy modern American or English movies dubbed in Italian is to go to Italy. When they are broadcast on Italian TV, the satellite signal is encrypted so that people watching Italian TV abroad cannot view them. Some of the older dubbed movies, like "The Godfather", can be viewed by satellite, but you would only be able to buy them - if at all - in Italy.

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