Saturday, February 18, 2012

Asian horror movies vs. American horror movies: Which are scarier?

Think of Asian horror flicks like The Eye, Ringu (or The Ring), Dark Water, and The Grudge; now compare them to American horror movies like The Devil's Rejects, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, House of Wax, and Wrong Turn (I'm trying to think of the most popular titles for easy comparison). Which scare you more, and why?Asian horror movies vs. American horror movies: Which are scarier?Asian.. like Thailand, Japanese, Chinese, Korean. because most of the ghost folklores stories from them LOL. and the directors are really really know how to play with viewers emotion.. those american horror movies are mostly just about MURDERS, KILLINGS human by human. try compare with spirits like 6th sense, exocise of emily (and sort of spirit devil movies) i think asian and American both are good..Asian horror movies vs. American horror movies: Which are scarier?
asian horror......... really scary......Asian horror movies vs. American horror movies: Which are scarier?Asian horror. American psychological movies are scarier though. Have you seen Psycho by Hitchcock? That's horror.
Asian Horror movies are so crazy!! But american horror movies are more... enjoyable. bye!Asian horror movies vs. American horror movies: Which are scarier?American horror movies are way scarier.Asian horror movies vs. American horror movies: Which are scarier?

that's why americans always remake them and they are so lame.
Asian, the innocence in their eyes really gets to me... they're better actorsAsian horror movies vs. American horror movies: Which are scarier?
It depends on the individual taste, understanding and what theme they prefer.
Depends what you're afraid of.

Generally, American horror movies are more human vs. human. The characters usually go against some physco.

In Asian movies, it's some possesed child.

For me, Asian movies are too scary. American movies aren't as scary. So, I think AMerican ones are scarier.
asian for sure
Asian horror movies, I had a hard time getting Sadako of Ring out of my mind, it was scary!!! Though, the American Horror movies have great special effects.

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